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| | Az-Zariyat | Pre Ayat ← 47 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 3. Judgment is sure | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:We have built the heaven with Our own might and We possess the power for it.
Translit: Waalssamaa banaynaha biaydin wainna lamoosiAAoona
0 waalssamaaWaalssamaa
1 banaynahabanaynaha
2 biaydinbiaydin
3 wainna | وَإِنَّ | verily Combined Particles | when/ifin
4 lamoosiAAoonamuwsi`uw
| | Az-Zariyat | Pre Ayat ← 48 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 3. Judgment is sure | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:We have spread out the earth and (behold) how excellent Spreaders We are!
Translit: Waalarda farashnaha faniAAma almahidoona
0 waalardaWaalarda
1 farashnaharashna
2 faniAAma | فَنِعْمَ | ni`ma Combined Particles | after that/then/thereuponni`
3 almahidoonaalmahiduwna
| | Az-Zariyat | Pre Ayat ← 49 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 3. Judgment is sure | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:And We have created everything in pairs maybe that you learn a lesson from it.
Translit: Wamin kulli shayin khalaqna zawjayni laAAallakum tathakkaroona
0 waminWamin
1 kulli | كُلِّ | totality, entirety; everyone, each one Combined Particles kulli
2 shayinshayin
3 khalaqnakhalaqna
4 zawjaynizawjayni
5 laAAallakum | لَعَلَّكُمْ | perhaps you (masc. pl.) Combined Particles `allak
6 tathakkaroonatathakkaruwna
| | Az-Zariyat | Pre Ayat ← 50 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 3. Judgment is sure | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:So flee unto Allah: I am an open warner from Him to you.
Translit: Fafirroo ila Allahi innee lakum minhu natheerun mubeenun
0 Fafirroothafirruw
1 ila | إِلَىٰ | to, until Combined Particles ila
2 AllahiAllahi
3 inneeinniy
4 lakum | لَكُمْ | for you (masc. pl.) Combined Particles k
5 minhu | مِنْهُ | from him Combined Particles minhu
6 natheerunnathiyrun
7 mubeenunmubiynun
| | Az-Zariyat | Pre Ayat ← 51 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 3. Judgment is sure | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:And do not set up another god with God; I am on open warner from Him to you.
Translit: Wala tajAAaloo maAAa Allahi ilahan akhara innee lakum minhu natheerun mubeenun
0 walaWala
1 tajAAalootaj`aluw
2 maAAa | مَعَ | ma`a Combined Particles ma`a
3 AllahiAllahi
4 ilahanilahan
5 akharaakhara
6 inneeinniy
7 lakum | لَكُمْ | for you (masc. pl.) Combined Particles k
8 minhu | مِنْهُ | from him Combined Particles minhu
9 natheerunnathiyrun
10 mubeenunmubiynun
| | Az-Zariyat | Pre Ayat ← 52 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 3. Judgment is sure | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:This has always been so. Whenever a Messenger came to the peoples before them, they said, "He is a sorcerer or a madman."
Translit: Kathalika ma ata allatheena min qablihim min rasoolin illa qaloo sahirun aw majnoonun
0 Kathalikakhathalika
1 ma | مَا | what |interro. pron.|, that which |relative pron|, not |negation|, as long as |conj.| whenever, the fact that Combined Particles ma
2 ataata
3 allatheena | ٱلَّذِينَ | that (pl.) Combined Particles allathiyna
4 min | مِنْ | of, some, from, away from |prep.| Combined Particles min
5 qablihim | قَبْلِهِمْ | before them Combined Particles qablihim
6 min | مِنْ | of, some, from, away from |prep.| Combined Particles min
7 rasoolinrasuwlin
8 illa | إِلَّا | unless, if not, except, save Combined Particles illa
9 qalooqaluw
10 sahirunsahirun
11 aw | أَوْ | or?| interjection | Combined Particles aw
12 majnoonunmajnuwnun
| | Az-Zariyat | Pre Ayat ← 53 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 3. Judgment is sure | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:Have they reached a mutual understanding concerning this? Nay, but they are all a rebellious people.
Translit: Atawasaw bihi bal hum qawmun taghoona
0 AtawasawAtawasaw
1 bihibihi
2 bal | بَلْ | nay, rather; even, but, however, yet Combined Particles bal
3 hum | هُمْ | | | | they Subject Pronoun hum
4 qawmunqawmun
5 taghoonataghuwna
| | Az-Zariyat | Pre Ayat ← 54 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 3. Judgment is sure | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:So, O Prophet, turn away from them: you are not at all to blame.
Translit: Fatawalla AAanhum fama anta bimaloomin
0 Fatawallathatawalla
1 AAanhum | عَنْهُمْ | concerning them Combined Particles `anhum
2 fama | فَمَا | what |interro. pron.|, that which |relative pron|, not |negation|, as long as |conj.| whenever, the fact that Combined Particles | after that/then/thereupon
3 anta | أَنْتَ | | | | you Subject Pronoun anta
4 bimaloominbimaluwmin
| | Az-Zariyat | Pre Ayat ← 55 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 3. Judgment is sure | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:But go on admonishing them, for the admonition is beneficial for the believers.
Translit: Wathakkir fainna alththikra tanfaAAu almumineena
0 wathakkirWathakkir
1 fainna | فَإِنَّ | for, because Combined Particles in
2 alththikraalththikra
3 tanfaAAutanfa`u
4 almumineenaalmuminiyna
| | Az-Zariyat | Pre Ayat ← 56 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 3. Judgment is sure | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:I have not created the jinn and the men except for this that they should worship Me.
Translit: Wama khalaqtu aljinna waalinsa illa liyaAAbudooni
0 wamaWama
1 khalaqtukhalaqtu
2 aljinnaaljinna
3 waalinsaalin
4 illa | إِلَّا | unless, if not, except, save Combined Particles illa
5 liyaAAbudooniya`buduw
| | Az-Zariyat | Pre Ayat ← 57 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 3. Judgment is sure | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:I do not ask any sustenance of them, nor do I ask them to feed Me.
Translit: Ma oreedu minhum min rizqin wama oreedu an yutAAimooni
0 MaMa
1 oreeduoriydu
2 minhum | مِنْهُم | from them Combined Particles minhum
3 min | مِنْ | of, some, from, away from |prep.| Combined Particles min
4 rizqinrizqin
5 wama | وَمَا | what |interro. pron.|, that which |relative pron|, not |negation|, as long as |conj.| whenever, the fact that Combined Particles | when/if
6 oreeduoriydu
7 an | أَنْ | that (with verb in the subj. indicating an action not yet realized, with verb in the perf. indicating that which has happened |conj.| Combined Particles an
8 yutAAimooniyut`imuwni
| | Az-Zariyat | Pre Ayat ← 58 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 3. Judgment is sure | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:Allah Himself is the Sustainer, Possessor of power and might.
Translit: Inna Allaha huwa alrrazzaqu thoo alquwwati almateenu
0 InnaInna
1 AllahaAllaha
2 huwa | هُوَ | | | | he Subject Pronoun huwa
3 alrrazzaqualrrazzaqu
4 thoothuw
5 alquwwatialquwwati
6 almateenualmatiynu
| | Az-Zariyat | Pre Ayat ← 59 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 3. Judgment is sure | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:Therefore, those who have done wrong, have also their portion of a similar torment ready as the people like them have been meted out their portions before. So let them not ask Me to hasten.
Translit: Fainna lillatheena thalamoo thanooban mithla thanoobi ashabihim fala yastaAAjiloona
0 Fainnathainna
1 lillatheenallathiy
2 thalamoothalamuw
3 thanoobanthanuwban
4 mithlamithla
5 thanoobithanuwbi
6 ashabihimashabihim
7 fala | فَلَا | not |particle| no! |negative imperative| Combined Particles | after that/then/thereuponfala
8 yastaAAjiloonayasta`jiluwna
| | Az-Zariyat | Pre Ayat ← 60 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 3. Judgment is sure | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:Ultimately, there will be destruction for those who have disbelieved, on the Day with which they are being threatened.
Translit: Fawaylun lillatheena kafaroo min yawmihimu allathee yooAAadoona
0 Fawaylunthawaylun
1 lillatheenallathiy
2 kafarookafaruw
3 min | مِنْ | of, some, from, away from |prep.| Combined Particles min
4 yawmihimuyawmihimu
5 allathee | ٱلَّذِي | that (sing., masc.) Combined Particles allathiy
6 yooAAadoonayuw`aduwna